What is Sick Comrade?

Sick Comrade is an attempt at breaking the alienation and loneliness that sickness can bring. We’ve often dreamed of networks of sick and disabled comrades sharing art, writing, stories and resources between each other. Sick and disabled writing is magic and the sick have secrets. By that we mean that our community has specialised knowledge about resilience, care, vulnerability, time, death, collapse, anarchist world building, falling apart, life and all things human. The sick have wisdom about what new worlds built on access and mutual aid could look like. 

This project is an experiment. It’s an attempt to share sick wisdom and creativity. We have dreams of creating a project that is a network, a platform and a portal to the crip commune of our deepest desires. We hope to gather information about sick and disabled doulaship and other comradely resources via this platform. Maybe one day we will even meet each other in the commune, but for now, we are three sick queers in Berlin, beginning by building up resources, publishing sick creativity and making zines together with you all. 

Our first collaborative poetry zine, The Sick Have Secrets, inspired the creation of Sick Comrade project at the beginning of 2023. Would you like a copy? Send us an email and we will send you a PDF copy or we can send you a physical copy for the price of printing and postage.

In 2024 we made 11 riso printed posters to convey what sickness means to us, you can see them below. We hope that these posters inch us towards a more access-oriented world by giving us insight into the strange ways that sickness and disability can liberate us all.  We have been sending them to fellow sick comrades all over the world by post and in person. Get in touch if you want them on your wall.